Slumgullion, goulash, American chop suey, Johnny Marzetti, macaroni ‘n’ hamburg (web photo courtesy of clivesdrive)
In the time of the virus,
Every other Wednesday
Marie concocts pasta stew
With ground beef, elbows,
Chopped tomatoes, onions,
Green peppers, crushed garlic,
And a jar of branded red sauce,
Filling a deep skillet to the brim.
This favorite will last the week,
Better reheated on the stove
Or given a second life topped
With sliced cheese in the oven.
We’ve all been home-cooking
In the long months of lockdown,
Whipping up crowd-pleasers by heart
And re-thumbing Julia’s recipes,
Watching Jacques Pépin’s quick
Casual videos on the laptop, lifting
Tips from the Globe food writers.
Our sharp knives get a workout.
We don’t count the dirty pans.
No need to rush. This dish
Could use a little hot sauce, too.
—Paul Marion