New Essay in Franco-American Online Journal at UMaine Orono: "Ste. Therese"

The second issue of "Resonance," a bilingual online journal at UMaine-Orono has an essay of mine about growing up as a French Canadian-American Catholic. The issue has familiar names, including two others linked to Lowell, Mass., Emilie-Noelle Provost and Charles Gargiulo. Among the other contributors are novelist Ernest Hebert of N.H., historian and writer Bob Perreault of Manchester, N.H., and poet Bill Tremblay, who grew up in central Massachusetts and has been in Colorado for a long time. Kudos to the editors and publishers, particularly Rhea Cote Robbins and Steven Riel, who worked on my piece. To read a selection, click on the link and download.

My essay “Ste. Therese” about growing up in a French Canadian-American family in the 1950s and ‘60s in northeast Massachusetts is available here.

Ste. Therese of Lisieux, France

Ste. Therese of Lisieux, France